What rules can I set up for my club?

By Paolo Baldisserotto

The following is a list of rules you can apply to your club’s amenities.  These rules can be applied based on the user type creating the reservation as well as the amenity.  To set up a new rule, click on Club Setting under your club name in the Navigation tree.  On the page that loads,…

What are the permissions that can be applied to a user role?

By Paolo Baldisserotto

The following permissions can be added to a user role: Super Admin – Full access to all permissions. Club General Info – Can change settings in the General Info section (Club name, logo, and address). Club User Management – Can change settings in New User Management section (New user approval requirement, and default user role).…

How do I change my Club Time Zone

By Greg Rupert

Make sure that you enter a valid physical address for your club. This will set the time zone for your club. If your time zone is not appearing correctly, contact support@reservemycourt.com.