Generally you aren’t able to limit users to 30 minute increments only. You can limit minimum and maximum length or reservations. For example you can limit a user to minimum of 1 hour and max of 2 hours. But within that range they could reserved for 1 hr, 1:15, 1:30, 1:45, or 2 hrs. You can also use the Block rule type to create EXACT time blocks that users must reserve. For example 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM, 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM, etc.
There is a description field to provide players information on the clinic.
You do not have access to a user’s account. Keep in mind that they may be connected to multiple clubs. You can update their connection to your club, including suspending or cancelling their connection or changing what role they are assigned.
If you need a user to update their contact information you can contact them regarding that and/or suspend their account until they correct a problem with their information.
You can update your amenity list by logging in on the website and going to Club Settings->Club Amenities. If you need to just add another regular amenity, like a new tennis court, a new clubhouse, or a separate free standing pickleball court then click the Add Amenity button.
If you need to a ‘child’ or sub-amenity to an existing amenity then click the + next to that existing amenity instead. For example, if you have painted two pickleball courts on top of an existing tennis court then you would add two sub-amenities to the existing court. With this setup, a reservation of the parent court will prevent access to all the children. A reservation of any child will prevent access to the parent.
All amenities, including parents and children, are treated as individual amenities in our annual subscription fees.
The easiest way is to create a reservation that blocks access to the courts. Just create a reservation on one of the courts and then once in the Reservation Wizard select all the courts you need. Put something like ‘Rain Out’ in the notes.
You can handle how your annual subscription payment is made from the website. Login and go to Club Settings->Subscription & Billing Portal. This will take you to our third party merchant account provider, Stripe. There you can see the current status of your subscription, the payment methods you have on file, and all previous payments made. You can update the payment method which can be a credit card, a debit card, or ACH banking information.
The default list that you see on the user list is the active users. If you want to see other types of users (e.g. suspended, denied, pending) you can just use the search box and start typing in those types.
This is the default behavior. Users cannot request new club connections unless they have entered an address. This address is NOT validated in any way by RMC.
They will automatically be transferred to the new site. When a player logs in after November 1st, they will be directed to a new login screen. After they confirm their email address and set up their password, they will automatically be linked to your facility (if they were linked to it before).
We are working on this issue. It seems to be related to use of the Mozilla Firefox browser, you should not experience this with Google Chrome so please try that for now while we resolve the underlying issue. Thanks.
The standard role types (Member, Captain, Club Manager, Super Admin) are not editable and cannot be deleted. Any roles that you create, can be edited and removed if necessary. You of course do not have to assign those extra roles to any of your users. Thanks.
You should be able to use any image type. We are fixing the sizing issue this week. Keep an eye out for that soon.
Rule names are limited to 36 characters.
This is set directly at each amenity. Go to Club Settings->Club Amenities and click the pencil next to the amenity you want to edit. To turn on/off the wait list feature, toggle the Allow Waitlist option by clicking the toggle button. If you select to use the wait list feature, enter the Max Waitlist value which will limit the number of wait list reservations that are taken for that amenity.
We no longer use a facility code to control access. Clubs now have two options on how users connect. They can either just allow users to connect without any approval. In that case, users setup their account and the connect to the club. Admins are then alerted via email that a new user has connected and have the option to remove them from a link in the email or from the website. Option 2 is to require approval of new users. In that case, users setup their accounts and the REQUEST a connection to their club. That request goes to all Admins and can be approved or denied from links in the email or from the website.
Yes. You need to setup an open/close rule under Club Settings > Amenity Rules & Fees. You don’t have to apply the rule to all User Roles, but if you don’t apply it to your own role then you will see the full 24 hour day on the schedule.
To collect fees through RMC, you will need to setup a Stripe account for your club. To do so, click on Club Settings > Club Wallet. Click on the S box and follow the process to setup your club’s Stripe account. Once the account has been setup, you can set fees for court reservations under Club Settings > Amenity Rules and Fees. Click Add Rule and follow the prompts under the Fee rule type. For clinics, you can setup the fee charged for clinics under Pro Console > Clinic Fees. Click Add Clinic Fee and enter the details for the clinic fees. Users will have a pre-authorization charged to their card on their My Wallet 24 hrs before the reservation or clinic. They will charged the fee 24 hours after the reservation or clinic occurs unless you cancel the charge through your Stripe account.
Make sure that you enter a valid physical address for your club. This will set the time zone for your club. If your time zone is not appearing correctly, contact
If you have a Pro Subscription, you can create a reservation in your club calendar and select clinic under the reservation type. Your clinics will appear under club clinics for all of the club’s users. Users can click on the reservation in the calendar to join the clinic if there are enough available spaces. If not, they will be placed on the clinic’s wait list.
The Pro Subscription adds the ability of a club to create and promote clinics / lessons and to collect fees for those clinics / lessons. You will see a Pro Console in your navigation tree once you add a Pro Subscription. The Pro Console is where you or your assigned tennis pros can create clinic fees, clinic cancelation policies, and view your pro staff. To create a clinic, you would create a reservation in your club calendar and select clinic under the reservation type.
To send an email to your club’s members, click on Users under your club in the navigation tree. Then click the Email Users button. You can select individual users, a group, or all users to your email. To create a group, click on Groups under your club in the navigation tree. Then click Add Group, give the group a name and add the users you would like to add to the group.
The following is a list of rules you can apply to your club’s amenities. These rules can be applied based on the user type creating the reservation as well as the amenity. To set up a new rule, click on Club Setting under your club name in the Navigation tree. On the page that loads, click on Amenity Rules and Fees and then Add Rule.
- Open/Close – Operating hours of the amenities.
- Quantity – How many reservations a user type can create per time period.
- Fee – Fee that is collected by the club for reserving the amenity.
- Duration – How long reservations can be made for (maximum and minimum)
- Closure – Time/day amenity is closed (during normal operating hours).
- Cancellation – How far in advance a user can cancel their reservation before the reservation begins.
- Block – Predefined blocks of time users must make reservations.
- Walkup – Times / days amenity does not require reservations.
- Advance – How far in advance a user can reserve an amenity.
- Concurrent – How many simultaneous reservations a user can have.
The following permissions can be added to a user role:
- Super Admin – Full access to all permissions.
- Club General Info – Can change settings in the General Info section (Club name, logo, and address).
- Club User Management – Can change settings in New User Management section (New user approval requirement, and default user role).
- Club Amenities – Can add, delete, and edit amenities in Club Amenities section.
- Club Event Types – Can add, delete, and edit event types in Event Types section.
- Club Amenity Rules and Fees – Can add, delete, and edit settings in Amenity Rules and Fees section.
- Club Wallet – Can edit data in Club Wallet section (Club billing email, invoicing option, club credit card, club’s Stripe account to receive fees).
- Club User Roles – Can change permissions for user roles.
- Club Subscription – Can cancel and start subscription to RMC.
- View Reservations – Can view all reservation on the club schedule.
- Create Reservations – Can create reservations for themselves on the club schedule.
- Other Users Reservations – Can edit other users reservations on the club schedule.
- Club User List – Can add, edit, or delete members listed in the club’s Users section. Can also change permission level of members.
- Club Documents – Can post documents on the club documents section.
- Club Reports – Can review and create reports on the club reports section.
- Pro – For clubs that have our Pro Subscription, can access Pro Console to create and promote clinics that they assign to themselves.
- Head Pro – Same abilities as Pro, but can create and assign other Pros to clinics.
There are 4 user types that are included with every club: Super Admin, Club Manager, Captain, and User. To see what permissions are included with each user type, click on Club Settings in the navigation tree, then click User Roles. Click the eye next to the user role to see the permissions included with that user type. You can also create custom user types by clicking Add Role and then selecting the permissions you would like to include with the custom user type.
To assign a user type to a member, click on Users in the navigation tree under your club. Then click the pencil icon next to the name of the user, select the role from the drop down list and then click save.
Sub amenities are amenities that are children of other amenities. If a reservation is made on a sub amenity, the parent amenity is also reserved. However, the other sub amenities will not have a reservation. If a reservation is made on the parent amenity, all of the sub amenities will be reserved.
For example, if you have 2 pickleball courts on a tennis court, you can setup pickleball court 1 and pickle ball court 2 as sub amenities to tennis court 1. If a reservation is made to one of the pickleball courts, tennis court 1 will not be available to reserve during that time, but the other pickleball court will still be available. If a reservation is made for tennis court 1, neither of the pickleball courts will be available during that reservation time.
You can create a sub amenity by clicking the + sign next to the parent amenity in the Club Amenities section. Note that sub amenities are treated as amenities from a subscription perspective.
Yes. To add an amenity to your club, click on Club Setting > Club Amenity. Click Add Amenity, enter the amenity details in the pop up window and click Add Amenity. Note your account will be charged on a prorated basis for the additional amenity ($50/yr under the Standard Subscription – max $300/yr for all amenities, $75/yr under the Pro Subscription – max $450/yr for all amenities).
When a user registers on RMC, they can link their account to your club by selecting New Club Connection under My Profile > My Clubs. If you have the New User Approval Required checkbox checked in your club’s Club Settings > New User Management section, an email will be sent to the admin to approve the user before they can access your club. If it is not checked, they will automatically connect to your club.
New clubs must be created from the website. Once the new club is setup and a trial subscription started users who have connected to the club can make reservations via the website or the mobile app.
Here are the steps to create a new club:
- If you have not already done so, use the Create an Account link from to create your user account.
- Login with your account and go to My Profile in the main navigation panel.
- Click My Clubs to expand that section of the page.
- Click on the CONNECT TO MY CLUB button.
- Click the Create a New Club link.
- Step through the Club Setup Wizard by filling in all required information on each tab and clicking the Next button.
- On the final screen of the wizard be sure you are NOT duplicating a facility that is already in our system. If your club is already listed and you just want to connect to that club then select that option. Otherwise, confirm that you want to create an entirely new club by clicking the red CREATE NEW CLUB button.
This will send a request to our staff to validate the new club. We will respond shortly with assistance on completing the club setup and setting up the free 30 day trial.
RMC now sends out reservation reminders via email 24 hours before a reservation. You can opt out of those emails if you need to by logging in on the website and going to My Profile->Preferences and then unchecking the box next to Reminder Emails.
If your club is handling clinic reservations and fee collection through RMC then you need to first make sure you have a credit card in your profile. Login on the website and go to My Profile->My Wallet and add a credit card there if you don’t already have one. Then your can locate any available clinics in the main navigation panel under your club name in the Clinics section.
Yes. We have a page that shows a current version of your schedule and does not require a login. The URL for that is unique for each club, so if you need this to display on a monitor, etc. just send an email to and we can get that to you.
Not currently. For now, you can make and cancel reservations with the mobile app. This feature will be coming soon.
Have a look at this FAQ:
Login on the website and go to My Profile->General Info
Court signs are absolutely free of charge. Please just email your mailing address to and we will ship signs out to you right away.
If your club has restricted access to the courts via codes or locks, you will need to contact your HOA or Club Administrators for assistance. You can find the Club Admin contact information on the website under Club Info.
Some clubs permit wait lists for reservations. When you create your reservation, if it overlaps with an existing reservation and wait listing is permitted you will be notified when you select your court or amenity that you will be on the wait list. Your reservation will also indicate it is a wait list reservation on the website and mobile app dashboards. Finally, your confirmation email will also indicate it is on the wait list.
If your reservation is upgraded due to cancellations you will receive an email with that information. You can set how much advance notice you need to take an upgrade from the website under My Profile->Preferences. The default is 24 hours. If you don’t require that much notice you can reduce that amount and set it to zero if you don’t require any advance notice.
Given the limited space on a mobile device, you are constrained to seeing a single amenity at a time on the mobile app. You can quickly switch between amenities by swiping left / right.
Not at this time. The mobile app is a slimmed down version of the website which will be expanded on over time. Currently the mobile app is built for two functions, creating and cancelling reservations. Keep an eye out for updates to the app in the coming months.
Although this is a common request, we haven’t found an effective way to display such a large amount of information on a single screen. Some clubs have as many as 20 amenities. Showing multiple amenities, across 30 days, across 15+ hours per day while still conveying any useful information has been a bit of a challenge.
All users must have an email address in order to have an account. When they request a connection to your club, all of their contact information is included in that request so you can validate that information. Once the are connected and making reservations, their name appears on the reservation and you have access to all their contact information in your user list.
No cost for users. Have a look here for our current pricing for clubs:
Have a look here for our current pricing for clubs:
Signing up give you a free 30 day trial. After that you will be billed with your credit card on file for the coming year or invoiced if you select that option. The renewal will occur one year later.
When an admin suspended your club connection, an email was sent to you which included the contact information for the admin. You should reach out to them. If you don’t have that email, you can find the admin contact information on our website after you login under Club Info or you can contact your HOA or the Club Management.
Wait lists are specific to each amenity. Sorry about that.
You can remove your connection to a club under My Profile -> My Clubs. You cannot delete a club completely from our system. If you have mistakenly setup a club, please contact us at and we can make sure other users are not attached and remove the club for you.
Your club requires approval of connecting users to validate their membership before you are able to view the club schedule and make reservations. Your status will remain as Pending until they have made that approval. Once they do, you will notified by email, you status will show your assigned Role, and you will be able to view the schedule and make reservations from both the website and the mobile apps.
Any restrictions on how far in advance you can reserve are setup by your club administrators. Many clubs setup a restriction like this for regular users, but leave team captains the ability to reserved well in advance to ensure they are able to reserved for home matches. You should speak with your club admin about modifications to the rules if you are having issues getting reservations for your team home matches.
If you are trying to connect with your club and that club is grayed out on the selection box, this means you have previously requested a connection and that connection was denied by an admin at your club. To prevent constant spamming of admins, you are not allowed to reinitiate the connection process.
However, your admin can still approve your original connection request. Admins, should login on the website, go to Users and search for Denied Users. From there they can locate your request and approve it.
If you are not receiving confirmation emails, first check your preferences. On the website go to My Profile->Preferences and be sure the Confirmation Emails box is checked. If not check that and save your changes. If you are still not receiving confirmation emails, be sure to check any spam or junk email folders you have. Also set as a safe sender.
On the first page of the reservation wizard where you select the date, time, and length of your reservation, there is a toggle near the bottom to select if you want the reservation to repeat. If you select that, you will see options to select if you want to repeat every day or every week and then a field to enter how many repeats you would like.
No. The user requesting the approval will remain in a ‘pending’ state until an administrator approves or denies the request. The links provided on the request connection email do expire in 14 days. However, you can approve or deny a user by logging in to your account on the website and going to Users.
To reset your password, click on the Forgot Your Password link on the login page. Enter your email address that is linked to your account and click the send password reset link. An email will be sent to you with instructions on how to reset your password.
When you select the Remember Me box our system is storing a cookie on your computer that keeps you logged in for 30 days. In that case, your browser should automatically skip you past the login page directly into the site. If you are on the login page and the username and/or password are already filled in, that is something your browser is doing, not the website. All browsers are a bit different, but after you type in the correct login information manually your browser will likely ask you if you want to save the new login information. If it does not, you can go into the settings of your browser to update saved login information there.
Yes. Login on the website and go to My Profile->My Clubs and click the Connect to My Club button to request a connection to your second club (or as many as you are a member at).
This is a rule set by your club. You can find your club admin contact information on the website under Club Info.
Your club may have separated its amenities in our system into two ‘Clubs’. Login on the website and go to My Profile->My Clubs and click the Connect to My Club button. Search the available clubs for a pickleball version of your club. Click the Request Club Connection button to submit a request to the club admins for approval. Once that is approved you will have access to that club schedule as well.
If you are looking at the website, you can click the Zoom In and Zoom Out buttons to change the width of each column (court). On the mobile app, due to the small screen size you can only view one court at a time. Just swipe left and right to move from one court to another. If you club schedule is showing overnight hours, your administrator needs to add an open/close rule to set when the courts should open and close each day. That will clear out those unused hours.
From the website you can click the edit/cancel link by your reservation on the dashboard or find your reservation on the schedule and click it. This will start the Reservation Update Wizard. Make any updates you want, moving through the wizard with the Next button and finish with the Submit button on the last screen.
From the mobile app, you cannot directly edit a reservation, only cancel it. So you can follow the instructions above for the website or cancel the reservation from cancel link on the mobile app dashboard and then create a new reservation with the app. The edit feature will be added to the app in the near future.
You can cancel a reservation from your Dashboard by clicking the Edit/Cancel link listed with your reservation. You can also locate your reservation in the club schedule and then click the reservation on the schedule. Both of these will display the Update Reservation wizard. There you can click the Cancel Reservation button.
Login on the website and go to My Profile->General Info and click the Delete button. This will remove your account.
You will need to do this from the website. Login and go to My Profile->My Clubs. Click the Connect to My Club button, locate your club in the list, then click the Request Connection button. Once your request is approved by your club you will have access to the schedule from the website and mobile apps.
We are adding this features soon. Please keep an eye out for that update.
UPDATE: Earlier this summer (2022) this feature was deployed.
From the website, just click the edit/cancel link by your reservation on your dashboard or find it in the schedule and click your reservation. Both of these actions will start the Reservation Update Wizard. From there you can click the Cancel button to cancel the reservation or just start making any changes you need.
Yes, you can see all of your upcoming reservations under Dashboard > Upcoming Reservations
You can change your password under My Profile > Password.
You can opt in or out of emails under My Profile > Preferences. Uncheck the box for whichever emails you do not want to receive and then click save.
Yes, you can add family members under My Profile > Family. You can then add your family members to clinics.
For an amenity or clinic that requires a fee, if you do not have a valid payment method or insufficient funds on your payment method in your My Wallet 24 hours before the event, your reservation will be removed. Your administrator can also remove your reservations at their discretion. You can contact your administrator for details if this occurs.
Click My Profile in the Navigation Tree at the left of the page. Then click on My Clubs and then click the blue circle with an i in it to get the facilities contact details.
If your reservation violates any of the rules set forth by your administrator, you will not be able to make the reservation. You will receive a message why the reservation failed.
When making a repeating reservations, a player can check the box “Recurring” and select the frequency of the recurring reservation. However, if one of the recurring reservations conflicts with a reservation rule that has been setup by the facility admin, the system will not allow the reservation to go through. In this case, edit the reservations to prevent the rule conflict.
Before you can make a reservation you must have an account and have an approved connection to a club. After that, you can reserved from the mobile app or the website:
- Click on Create a Reservation from your Dashboard or go to Club Schedule located under your club name in the main navigation panel.
- Click the date to view a calendar to select a different date if needed.
- Find the location on the schedule you want to reserve and click and hold the mouse button as you drag from the start to the end of the time period you want (touch, hold, and then drag on touch screen devices). Release when you have the selection you want. As an alternative you can click the Click Here link at the top of the page.
- The step above will start the reservation wizard, make sure each item on the screen is correct and click Next. Check all items on each screen of the wizard and move through with the Next button and complete your reservation with the Submit button.
Mobile App
- Click the + sign at the bottom of your app dashboard.
- If you are connected to multiple clubs select the club at which you want to make a reservation.
- Use the calendar to select the date you want to reserve.
- On the next screen select the reservation length you would like.
- Select the amenity you would like to view/reserve by swiping left/right on the shown schedule or swiping left/right on the amenity names and then touching the one you would like to view.
- Scroll up/down the schedule by swiping up/down to find the reservation slot you would like.
- Touch and hold the time slot in the schedule that you would like your reservation to start. Hold until the reservation details screen is shown, this is NOT a tap (hold for a second).
- Make sure all the information on the screen is correct (edit as necessary) and click the Next button.
- Make sure your amenity is selected with a checkbox and click the Next button.
Click My Profile in the Navigation Tree at the left of the page. The click on My Clubs and then click on the New Club Connection button. From the popup box that appears, select your facility from the drop down list and click Connect or Request Connection button.