How to close courts due to rain?

By Greg Rupert

The easiest way is to create a reservation that blocks access to the courts. Just create a reservation on one of the courts and then once in the Reservation Wizard select all the courts you need. Put something like ‘Rain Out’ in the notes.

I’m the system administrator for my club. How do I send a payment to RMC2020 for our annual subscription? We’d want to sent a payment from our bank to RMC2020 if possible. If not, then just where/how would be send in our payment for the service?

By Greg Rupert

You can handle how your annual subscription payment is made from the website. Login and go to Club Settings->Subscription & Billing Portal. This will take you to our third party merchant account provider, Stripe. There you can see the current status of your subscription, the payment methods you have on file, and all previous payments…

On the old RMC, when a new user wanted to create a UN/PW pair, they needed a code that was only provided to residents to enable that user to use the system. Is there something similar to that with the new system? If so, where do I enter that code?

By Greg Rupert

We no longer use a facility code to control access. Clubs now have two options on how users connect. They can either just allow users to connect without any approval. In that case, users setup their account and the connect to the club. Admins are then alerted via email that a new user has connected…